Tel: 805.899.2528 x 4
Nancy graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Colorado in Boulder with a concentration in Environmental Design. Afterwards, she attended the University of Utah as a graduate student through the program Design Build Bluff; in which students physically design and build homes for families on Navajo Reservations around southwestern Utah. (Inspired by the great Rural Studio program pioneered by Samuel Mockbee).
Before working for Andrulaitis + Mixon, Nancy worked at a mid-size architectural design-build firm in Boulder best known for affordable & mixed-use housing, breweries, and mountain homes. After moving to California, she worked at an Architectural firm in Santa Barbara working primarily on large-scale affordable & senior/special needs housing projects.
Outside of the office, Nancy can most likely be found on a hike, camping trip, or trying to keep her vegetable garden alive. Nancy also takes pottery classes in the evenings at UCSB.